
Showing posts with the label sparse arrays in C

Sparse Arrays in C - HackerRank Solution

Solution for hackerRank problem Sparse Arrays in C Problem :           There is a collection of input strings and a collection of query strings. For each query string, determine how many times it occurs in the list of input strings. Return an array of the results. Example, stringList = [ 'ab', 'ab' ,  'abc' ] queries = [ 'ab' , 'abc' , 'bc' ] There are 2 instances of 'ab', 1 of 'abc' and 0 of 'bc'. For each query, add an element to the return array, results = [2,1,0]. Function Description Complete the function matchingStrings in the editor below. The function must return an array of integers representing the frequency of occurrence of each query string in stringList. matchingStrings has the following parameters: string stringList[n] - an array of strings to search string queries[q] - an array of query strings Returns int[q]: an array of results for each query Input Format The first line contains and integer n, the