
Showing posts with the label Athlete sort

Athlete sort in python - HackerRank solution

Solution for hackerRank problem Athlete sort in python Problem : You are given a spreadsheet that contains a list of N  athletes and their details (such as age, height, weight, and so on). You are required to sort the data based on Kth the  attribute and print the final resulting table. Follow the example given below for a better understanding. Note that is indexed from 0 to M-1, where M is the number of attributes. Note : If two attributes are the same for different rows, for example, if two athletes are of the same age, print the row that appeared first in the input. Input Format The first line contains N and M separated by a space. The next N lines each contain M elements. The last line contains K  . Constraints 1<=N, M<=1000 0<=K<M Each element <= 1000 Output Format Print the lines of the sorted table. Each line should contain the space separated elements. Check the sample below for clarity. Sample Input 0: 5 3 10 2 5 7 1 0 9 9 9 1 23 12 6 5 9 1 Sample Output 0 7 1 0