
Showing posts with the label allocation

Allocation in python - Kickstart solution

Solution for Kickstart problem Allocation in python Problem There are  N  houses for sale. The i-th house costs  A i  dollars to buy. You have a budget of  B  dollars to spend. What is the maximum number of houses you can buy? Input The first line of the input gives the number of test cases,  T .  T  test cases follow. Each test case begins with a single line containing the two integers  N  and  B . The second line contains  N  integers. The i-th integer is  A i , the cost of the i-th house. Output For each test case, output one line containing  Case #x: y , where  x  is the test case number (starting from 1) and  y  is the maximum number of houses you can buy. Limits Time limit: 15 seconds per test set. Memory limit: 1GB. 1 ≤  T  ≤ 100. 1 ≤  B  ≤ 10 5 . 1 ≤  A i  ≤ 1000, for all i. Test set 1 1 ≤  N  ≤ 100. Test set 2 1 ≤  N  ≤ 10 5 . Sample Input  3 4 100 20 90 40 90 4 50 30 30 10 10 3 300 999 999 999 Output  Case #1: 2 Case #2: 3 Case #3: 0 In Sample Case #1, you have a budget of 10