
Showing posts with the label Find angle MBC

Find Angle MBC in python - HackerRank solution

Solution for hackerRank problem Nested lists in python Problem : ABC is a right triangle, 90 o at B. Therefore <ABC = 90 o  . Point M is the midpoint of hypotenuse AC. You are given the lengths AB and BC. Your task is to find <MBC (angle  0 o   as shown in the figure) in degrees. Input Format The first line contains the length of side AB . The second line contains the length of side BC. Constraints 0 < AB <= 100 0 < BC <= 100 Lengths AB and BC are natural numbers. Output Format Output <MBC in degrees. Note:  Round the angle to the nearest integer. Examples : If angle is 56.5000001°, then output  57° . If angle is 56.5000000°, then output  57° . If angle is 56.4999999°, then output  56° . 0 o  <  θ o  < 90 o . Sample Input 10 10 Sample Output 45° Procedure 1. Start. 2. Import math module. 3. Get the length of the sides. 4. Find the AB/BC. 5. AB/BC = tan  θ. 6.  θ = t an -1 (AB/BC). 7. Round the angle to integer. 8. Print the angle in degrees. 9. End. Code