
Showing posts with the label Text wrap

Text wrap in python - HackerRank solution

Solution for hackerRank problem Text wrap in python Problem : You are given a string S  and width w. Your task is to wrap the string into a paragraph of width w. Function Description Complete the  wrap  function in the editor below. wrap  has the following parameters: string string: a long string int max_width: the width to wrap to Returns string: a single string with newline characters ('\n') where the breaks should be Input Format The first line contains a string, string. The second line contains the width, max width . Constraints 0 < len(string) < 1000 0 < maxwidth < len(string) Sample Input 0 ABCDEFGHIJKLIMNOQRSTUVWXYZ 4 Sample output 0 ABCD EFGH IJKL IMNO QRST UVWX YZ Procedure 1. Start. 2. Initialize a list. 3. loop from 0 to length of string => If i is not equal to 0 and i % width =0     => add new line character to list => else     => append s[i] to the list. 4. Covert the list into string. 5. Print the converted string 6. End C ode : import text