Guess the number game in python

Python mini project - Guess the number game

Everyone will be looking for a mini project after learning the basic programming language concepts. Here you will be able to find a very basic mini project using python.

Explanation :

Ask the user to enter a number between 1 and 10. At the same time generate a random number between 1 and 10. If the number entered by the user matches the random number generated increase the score of the user. Alternatively, if the number guessed by the user doesn't match the random number generated, proceed with the next attempt. The user will be given a total of five numbers to guess. Each time the use r guesses right, the score will be increased and the final score will be calculated for 5 marks.

Constraints :

The user is given five numbers to guess.

Total score is five.

For each new attempt a new random number is generated.

Final score will be calculated for five.

For example,

Let the random number be 6 and if the user entered 3 then no score is given for this attempt and the user is required to continue with the remaining attempts.

And if, the random number is 7 and if the user too enters the same number 7, then the score is increased.

We are using random module of python here to generate random numbers. Random. choice() function is used here. The choice method returns a randomly generated number from a specified sequence.

Procedure :

1.      1. Start.

2.      2. Import random module for generating random numbers.

3.      3. Create a number list with numbers ranging from 1 to 10.

4.      4. Initialize score as 0.

5.      5. Initialize number of attempts.

6.      6. Loop ( 0 to 5)

=> Generate random number using random module.

=> Get the number as input from the user.

=> If (number = random number) => increase the score

=> Otherwise continue

=> Decrement the number of attempts.

7.      7. Print the score of the user.

8.      8. End.

Code :

# library that we use in order to choose

# on random number from a list of numbers

import random

#get the name of the user

name = str(input("Enter your name : "))

#welcome message for user

print ("Good luck ! ", name)

#print the number of chance to guess

print("You have 5 chance to guess")

print("Enter any number from 1 to 10...")

#create a list of numbers ranging from 1 to 10

num_list = []

for i in range(1, 11) :


#initialize score

score = 0

#initialize the number of guesses

guess = 5



            # Function will choose one random

            # number from this list of numbers

            num = random.choice(num_list)

            #ask the user to enter a number between 1 and 10.

            number = int(input("guess : "))

            #check if the number entered by the user is equal to the random number generated

            #if the user guessed the number correctly increase the score

            if(number == num):

                        print("Hurrah! your guess is right ")

                        #increase the score

                        score += 1

            else :

                        print("Oh! you guessed wrong")

            #decrement the number of guesses

            guess = guess - 1

            print("You have ", guess, "left")


#print the score

print("Score : ", score)

Output :


Guess the number game
Guess the number - Output




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