Build a Covid website using HTML, PHP and Python

Building a Covid update website using HTML, PHP, and Python

During this pandemic, people get scared and stressed from seeing the covid cases reported. Besides this people show interest  in looking at the daily cases reported, surfing the internet for the exact report.

So a website with an accurate covid report is the most demanded one, nowadays.

To create a website that  shows  covid cases, we can use HTML for  frontend and python, PHP for backend.

Python is the most popular programming language. Just learning the theoretical concepts alone will not make us gain knowledge. So it is very important to apply it in real-time applications for better understanding. Try yourself to implement what you think. No matter if you don't arrive at the right solution. Keep trying. Trial and error make you learn more.  

Here I have used the Web scraping technique to get the number of covid cases. Web scraping is the concept of extracting data from websites. For this application, I have extracted the data from worldometers website.

Pre-requisites :

1. Python - Click here to know how to install python.

2. Wamp server

For running the PHP file we need a wamp server  (for windows), lamp server (for Linux), Xampp(for all OS).

Click here to download the Wamp server.

Click here to download the Lamp server.

Click here to download the Xampp server.

3. Python modules

Install the required python modules by executing the following commands in the command prompt.

pip install bs4

pip install tabulate

pip install matplotlib

pip install NumPy 

pip install requests

The frontend and backend code is given below. :

# Import required module

import requests

import bs4

import json

# Make requests from webpage

result= requests.get('')

# Creating soap object

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(result.text,'lxml')

# Searching div tags having maincounter-number class

cases = soup.find_all('div' ,class_= 'maincounter-number')

# List to store number of cases

data = []

# Find the span and get data from it

for i in cases:

                span = i.find('span')



# Dispaly number of cases


with open('corona_data.txt', 'w') as f:

                for i in data:


import pandas as pd

# Creating dataframe

df = pd.DataFrame({"CoronaData": data})

# Naming the coloumns

df.index = ['TotalCases', ' Deaths', 'Recovered']

# Exporing data into Excel




<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<title>Corona updates</title>

<meta charset="utf-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


body {

  margin: 0;



/* Style the header */

.header {

  background-color: RebeccaPurple  ;

  padding: 20px;

  text-align: center;






<div class="header">

  <h1>COVID UPDATES</h1>


<center><?php include 'file_data.php';?></center>






$filename  = "corona_data.txt";

$title = array("<h2 style= color:blue><b>Total cases</b></h2>","<h2 style= color:red><b>Death</b></h2>", "<h2 style= color:green><b>Recovered</b></h2>");

$data = array();

$file= fopen( $filename, "r" );


while(!feof($file) && $i<3)




echo "$title[$i]";

echo "<h2>$line</h2>";

$i = $i + 1;



How to run the above code?

Run the python file, so that the covid data will be stored in an excel file.

Type “localhost/filename.php”

Now the PHP file will be executed.


Output Screenshot :




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