Google coding competition

Google coding competition

1. Kickstart

Kickstart is a coding competition hosted by google which offers coding challenges to programmers all over the world. It involves a three-hour round of algorithmic challenges, developed by Google engineers. On each round you will be provided with a set of challenges, on solving each challenge you will be awarded certain points and the ranking will be based on the total points you scored. The rounds are held regularly throughout the year. With this, you can get a taste of the technical skills needed for a career at Google. You might be contacted by google for a direct interview if you perform well in these challenges.

How to prepare?

  • Get familiarized with at least one programming language.
  • Develop your knowledge about data structures like list, stack, queue, heap, etc.
  • Learn basic and complex algorithms.
  • Try past year problems and view submissions of top scorers.
  • Practice catching bugs and creating tests.
  • Do time bound practice.
Eligibility :

You should be at least 18 years for participating in kickstart.


You will get a participation certificate as long as you make one competitive attempt.

The winner gets $15,000 and the runner gets smaller prizes.

To participate in kickstart - Register here!

Try past problems - Click here

2. Code Jam

Code Jam is another coding competition organized by google every year. It is the longest coding challenge that is open for programmers all over the world which occurs for 30 hours. It involves three rounds. The programmers compete by solving the algorithmic challenge and the contestants will be shortlisted for the next round based on their scores. Finally, 25 participants will compete for the code jam world finals.

How to prepare?

  • Get familiarized with at least one programming language like python, C, C++, java.
  • Learn about data structures like list, stack, queue, heap, etc.
  • Have knowledge of basic and complex algorithms.
  • Try past year problems and view submissions of top scorers.
  • Practice catching bugs and creating tests.
  • Do time bound practice.

Eligibility :

You should be at least 18 years for participating in code jam.


You will get a participation certificate if you make at least one competitive attempt.

  • 1st place : $15,000
  • 2nd place : $2,000
  • 3rd place : $1,000
  • 4th - 25th place : $100

To participate in code jam - Register here!

Try past problems - Click here

3. Hash code :

Hash code is again a famous coding competition organized by Google. It is a team event. Here the team is asked to solve a real Google engineering problem for the online qualification round. The round holds for 4 hours. The top performed teams will enter the virtual world finals. In the virtual world finals, the team has to solve another challenge and compete for cash prizes.

How to prepare?

  • Get familiarized with at least one programming language like python, C, C++, java.
  • Learn about data structures like list, stack, queue, heap, hashtable, etc.
  • Learn file operations
  • Get familiarized with exception handling
  • Have knowledge of basic and complex algorithms.
  • Try past year problems and view submissions of top scorers.
  • Practice catching bugs and creating tests.
  • Do time bound practice.

Eligibility :

You should be at least 18 years for participating in code jam.

You should have a team with 2-4 members.


You will get a participation certificate if you score at least one point.

  • 1st place : $4,000
  • 2nd place : $2,000
  • 3rd place : $1,000
To participate in hashcode - Register here!

Try past problems - Click here


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